Hermeneut Conference: Protecting intangible assets from Cyber attacks
C3ISP will take part in the Hermeneut Conference on Protecting intangible assets from Cyber attacks, taking place in London on the 3rd of June 2019.
This conference will be an opportunity to hear from the international project teams, to discuss research and methodologies, and to hear presentations of their findings. The conference also includes presentations from economists, cyber security and behavioural experts, risk modellers and security specialists on the increased importance of the three main intangible assets categories - IP, value from personal data and economic competencies such as specialist skills and business models. The event will conclude with an opportunity to explore the decision support tool and discuss its application in two key industry sectors.
Find out more about the session at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hermeneut-conference-protecting-intangible-assets-from-cyber-attacks-registration-61146415575?