Blog submitted by Charles Fox – Digital Catapult
Testing new technologies at an early stage is a ‘chicken and egg’ game, when is it too soon to test and when do you risk...
The workshop explored cyber risk assessments and the sharing of threat intelligence information across the UK...
C3ISP joined forces with sister project Hermeneut at the Benefit Harm Index Workshop on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) that took place on the 21st of January 2019 @ Digital Catapult, 101 Euston Road, London, NW1 2RA.
C3ISP will take part in the Hermeneut Conference on Protecting intangible assets from Cyber attacks, taking place in London on the 3rd of June 2019.
This conference will be an opportunity to hear from...
Cyber security can be a very, very dry subject, discussing highly sensitive topics to all businesses. These include security breaches, threat sharing, security and privacy by design and multiple specialised areas...
The workshop was held on April 3rd2019 at the Digital Catapult Centre in London and was hosted by...
C3ISP will take part in the Hermeneut workshop, looking into the Benefit Harm Index in the context of exploring cyber-attacks and risks associated with the UK Energy Grid. The use of the C3ISP...
C3ISP will take part in the Hermeneut workshop, looking into the Benefit Harm Index on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles.
...The Symposium was held on December 12th, 2018 at...

C3ISP will take part in the Truessec Symposium (...
During the last Internet Festival (IF2018), the Cybersecurity day 2018 was held, an event dedicated to computer security in which Domenico Laforenza, director of the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council (IIT-CNR) participated and...
London, 22 October 2018 – The sixth 3D Repo British Information Modelling event attracted more than 70 delegates from across the built environment industry. This bi-annual evening seminar and networking event was hosted by renowned engineering consultancy Arup and it...
The Cybersecurity day is an annual event organized by the...

The SAP Technical Education Conference, better known as SAP TechEd, is SAP's premier...
CyberTech Europe – C3ISP Blog post from Digital Catapult
The C3ISP project took part in CyberTech Europe which was held in Rome this year on 26th and 27th of...
If you are providing security services for your customers, you are surely interested in protecting them better, more...
Focusing on the business case for SMEs and relevance of C3ISP:
The aim of the C3ISP SME Pilot is to enable SMEs to collect and share their Cyber Threat Information (CTI) data with the C3ISP platform in such a manner that each SME remains in full control of what...
he High Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ISCOM), which is a Directorate of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), hosts the Italian CERT, which is the...
This pilot aims at performing collaborative analysis of data coming from a federation of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to detect cyber-crimes attempts in time and to quickly identify cyber...
C3ISP partner 3DRepo organised the British Information Modelling Event on Wednesday the 27th of June 2018 at the Shard, London, UK. Leading players from the construction industry came together for an evening seminar and networking event, where they also had the...
On the 2nd of May the proposed budget of €100 billion and the name of the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme was announced by the Commission. The Commission adopted its...
The workshop titled “Building a route to market for new cyber security technologies” held at Digital Catapult Centre on 14 March 2018.
This was the first workshop as part of a programme of 3 workshops and one engagement event.
As part of the research activity on cyber-physiscal systems, the IIT-CNR moves forward an important study on cyber-security automotive. It focuses on the CAN-bus protocol and, in particular, on security properties such as Confidentiality, Integrity, and...
The Third Project Meeting is the 7th and 8th of June in Sophia-Antipolis, France, hosted by SAP France.