TechEd 2018 (Data Anonymization: Unlocking the Value in Personal Data)

The SAP Technical Education Conference, better known as SAP TechEd, is SAP's premier tech conference. SAP customers, employees and other interested third parties attend the conference to discover how to apply, manage and optimize technical solutions. It is being held in Las Vegas (October 2-5), Barcelona (October 23-25) and Bangalore (October 28-30) with top industry partners as exhibitors, including Google Cloud, Intel, and Lenovo.
SAP Security Research was selected to present its research on anonymization in lectures at all three venues in USA, Spain, and India. The lectures elaborated upon the problems of previous anonymization methods and how a new method, differential privacy, handles them and can be used in real-world scenarios - including C3ISP's threat information sharing - to enable privacy-preserving statistics.