Video of the CyberSecurity Day

During the last Internet Festival (IF2018), the Cybersecurity day 2018 was held, an event dedicated to computer security in which Domenico Laforenza, director of the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council (IIT-CNR) participated and of the .it Registro, Paolo Prinetto, president of the National Inter-university Consortium for Information Technology (Cini), Sandro Etalle, co-founder of the start-up "Security Matters", and many other experts, researchers and representatives of the business world. The various aspects of cyber security have been highlighted: from the safety of our cars to how we can protect ourselves from fake news. Huge space has been dedicated, among other things, to the research and innovation activities carried out by the CNR Cybersecurity Lab.
The IF2018 event was also an opportunity to present the Observatory on cyber security, a web portal where citizens and businesses can acquire useful information to raise awareness of issues related to cybersecurity and increase their level of protection in the more effective way. 

